
The use of terminologies, acronyms, trademarks, or company names by the Supplier or this website is solely for informational and/or reference purposes:

GTIN, an acronym for “Global Trade Item Number,” is a registered trademark of GS1 AISBL, Belgium, herein referred to as “GS1;”

GEPIR, an acronym for “Global Electronic Party Information Registry,” pertains to the GS1 database;

UPC, an acronym for “Universal Product Code,” pertains to the GS1 standard;

EAN, an acronym for “European Article Number,” pertains to the GS1 standard;

The aforementioned acronyms refer to the GS1 standard.

G.T.I.N. by Mercando refers to the legal entity “G.T.I.N. GENERAL TECH ITALIA NETWORK BY MERCANDO MARKET SERVIZI di CARAVAGGIO L.” or “the Supplier”

The Supplier has no direct relationship or collaborative arrangement with third parties, conducting its business with its internal staff, and all mentioned trademarks are the property of their respective companies and are unrelated to the Supplier.

The proposals provided by the Supplier comply with the standards of General Specifications or GS1 as regulated by GS1 itself. In the event that any sales system fails to recognize such standards, the Customer, Purchaser, or the Company itself indemnifies the Supplier from any liability regarding the inapplicability of the provided numbers, as it would be a corporate policy matter rather than a non-compliance with the standard itself.

By accessing this content, the visitor acknowledges and accepts the Privacy Policy and the Sales Terms and Conditions of the respective proposals.

Version dated January 2, 2025.

All logos and trademarks mentioned on this website are the property of their respective and rightful owners.

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